داستان آبیدیک

continuity theory


1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: نظریه پیوستگی

In the preface to his book on continuity theory, Robert C. Transcendence of time 14 Negative, pathological Increasing need for solitude 14 Negative, pathological Rejoicing in small events 14 Negative, pathological or activity loss Rediscovery of the child within 14 Positive, developmental Connection to earlier generations 14 Positive, activity perspective Ego-integrity 14 Positive, developmental Modern ascetism 10 Negative, activity perspective Self-transcendence 6 Negative, activity perspective or Positive, continuity theory per- spective Disappearing fear of death 5 Positive, developmental or Negative, pathological Self-confrontation 4 Neutral, continuity theory per- spective Body transcendence 3 Neutral, continuity theory per- spective Everyday wisdom 2 - Those who did observe a pattern of body transcendence interpreted this in terms of continuity theory by referring to the personality and its continuation into old age: In particular, a) the pathology perspective, b) activity theory, c) disengagement theory, e) continuity theory, and d) developmental theory. A recurring theme was understanding based on continuity theory.

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